I thought the way that Lars Von Treir challenged Jorgen Leth was very interesting. I particularly liked the way that he did this. It seemed extremely psychological. I admire the thought and intelligence that was put into the way that Lars decided to challenge Jorgen. I believe that placing obstructions and limitations on projects is helpful because it makes you think in a way that you may not have before. As an artist it is good to be challenged and to find new ways to work around your parameters. As an artist we are always needing to find solutions, and having parameters set on projects is a good way to get into the habit of solving and finding solutions as well as let you think in a way that you may otherwise not have had the oportunity to think.
The obstruction that I think was the worst out of the five was to put the video into cartoon format. I feel as if that was handed to be I would have a lot of trouble figuring that out. It was very impressive how Jorgen solved this problem.
Flexibility with rules can completely change a project. If you decide to flex the rules than the parameters are not being followed and no problems are being solved. You may not learn as much if you decide to make your own or change the rules. The film has made me think about the project that I am currently working on in a way that I feel as though I should approach it not as I normally would but to take a completely different angle on the norm.
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