Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Five Obstructions

I found Lars Von Trier's methodology of challenging Jorgen Leth as very beneficial to the creation of his projects. At first I thought it seemed harsh to put such limitations and such challenges, but after seeing the outcomes of Jorgen Leth's projects I definitely think it helped. It made him think outside the box and explore new possibilities and techniques he would've never explored in his movies. It made him look beyond his comfort zone and what he would normally think to do and His projects turned out really well and unique.

I feel like the obstruction of having complete freedom was the worst since he had been used to having such limitations and now he had endless opportunities and options that it'd be hard to think of where to begin and what to do. However, in Jorgen Leth's eyes, I feel like the cartoon one was the worst for him since he hated cartoons and had never really enjoyed a cartoon. He seemed to hate that idea the most and was worried that "it'd be a load of crap", however he was extremely successful with the cartoon project in the end.

Flexibility with rules in projects definitely affects the outcome of the projects in the end I feel like. It can completely alter the whole project and either make it successful or not. Depending on the flexibility, it can be interpreted differently. The more flexibility, the more loosely based the interpretation can be. I think flexible rules allows for more exciting and varied perspectives on projects.

Yes, the film has inspired me in various ways to approach my current project and future projects. I want to sort of place more limits and guidelines on myself so I can really explore new techniques and interpretations. I feel like this could really help me start thinking outside the box more and push my projects further. I really like how his 12 frame limitation turned out and the cartoon project turned out so I'd like to use those limits on a project somtime in the future, as well.

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