Monday, October 11, 2010

The art of noise

When I think of sound or noise I for some reason assume that it has been around it has been around  forever in various forms. However, this article shed light on the fact that music is very much paralleled with the progress of society. Sound didn't actually come around until the invention of machine and the first instruments were viewed with great awe and amazement, music was highly respected and sacred. At one point, music was reserved for only respected religious figures. But now sound and noise are taken for granted because our lives are so heavily drenched and saturated in it  every day. Sound is everywhere, therefore, it becomes boring. The effects and powerful impact a sound can have are diluted to the point that music is almost non existent. Our society is so acclimated to our instant gratification mindset that anything that isn't new, inventive, or avant-garde doesn't even register on our radar. Creator and artists are constantly fighting the battle to keep up with societies demands and thus are "continually enlarging the field of sound" which seems easy since the possibilities with music are infinite. At the same time the possibilities seem so restricting because infinite is a hard concept to wrap the mind around especially when there are only 4 fundamental types of instruments and 6 classifications of fundamental sound. So approaching the task of creating different, new, harsh sound is almost attempted in vain  for everything seems as if it has been done before, which is a phrase several of my art teachers have told me before, very disheartening to say the least having the preconception that nothing you do will ever be original or completely yours and therefore under-celebrated much like music. This is turning into a rant rather than a reflection so to the point, this article was an eye-opener to how under appreciated music has become as well as musicians and artists in general. With the current state of society, it is a great feat to be innovative especially with the lack of encouragement and praise. Artists have the hardest time attracting attention and keeping it and this will only get harder with the future. 

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