Monday, October 11, 2010

Art of Noise

Throughout the article, Russolo seems to describe about how one can turn noise into sound or music. He first differentiates sound and noise by describing noise as coming from machines, peoples' voices, rumbles and roars etc. Noise is usually from something man-made and part of our usual lifestyles. It is natuarally random but by selecting and dominating certain noises, we can turn it into something that has rhythym like sound. Sound is music, something "distinct and independent of life" which is opposite to how noises are from life.
Because life is filled with noise, silence is almost impossible now. Russolo constitutes silence as something from "ancient life" before the "invention of machine." What I take from this is that silence is when we hear but do not listen and manipulate the noises and sounds in our minds into something symbolic or emotional. When noise came along, we automatically manipulate the noises to objects (howls to dogs/ coughs to people etc.)
Russolo sees the current state of music as only focusing on sounds despite the abundance of noises and their possiblilties. Sounds are overused and he wants to break from the familiar. He believes the Futurists can improve music by combining noises and sounds into a new "noise-sound."

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