Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In relation to my brainstorming

I found this online (and it made me laugh because it somewhat hones in on my whole "people watching" idea that I am playing with)... Just thought I would share it :)

Chapter 1 Activity

It was interesting to watch a movie that I have seen over and over again, solely looking for the basic techniques of the camera. I was interested to see how the director used the emotional content in order to direct the moves of the camera and utilize the differen techniques. It is interesting that while watching a movie you normally do not notice these planned effects of the camera man.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ch 7 Reading Response

The passage helped break down the critiquing process into individual aspects rather than just having the audience of a piece say the negatives and positives. More can be said of a piece than whats good or bad to further aid the artist in developing and growing. The reading helped me think about what I can do as an artist during the creation of a project to grow on my own, as well as listen to what others have to say about my piece. Overall the reading helped to restate the fact that critiques of a piece are meant to be a positive experience to learn and grow from. It is possible to comment about the weak parts of a piece without insulting the artist.

Chapter 7 Reading Response

I agree that this chapter was a great refresher and brought up alot of ideas i hadn't really thought about previously. Usually in critiques I am asked to focus on the positives and negatives. This creates a separation of the elements of a work instead of finding ways to better integrate the entire piece. Instead of positives and negatives, or possibly as a growth from these surface judgments I hope to help provide questions and solutions to aid the artist in editing. I think another great point is knowing the problem your trying to solve. So often i just jump into things not really knowing what direction i should be going in or where I'll end up.

Reading response

Developing Critical Thinking

This excerpt really helped reiterate the entire process of analyzing and developing artwork. Although I have used these skills in other classes, having them documented in text gave me a chance to really organize my thoughts on the subject. Also the questions in the text really got me thinking about how to apply them to my already existing work and how I can use them when beginning new work. I actually thought that the questions were so helpful I wrote them down to use in my critique for another class this week.

Ch 7 Response

This reading helps us look at things we as students often overlook like following only the teacher's answer rather than exploring different solutions to the problem. The content is familiar and is a good review on how to focus on the goal of a project.
It also improves the effectiveness of a critique that can easily be boring and/or ineffective. The small details like how to point out problems of a piece without being insulting is very helpful. I especially liked the part on how to find the improvements for a piece using the labyrinth project example. Sometimes finding improvements for a project is difficult for me.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reading Response

I found this reading selection to be a good "refresher" read, and I think it will prove helpful especially during our critique process our the artist presentations as well. I really liked that the descriptive critique was highlighted as a main critique style as well, showing that not all critiques have to feel like a "war zone", since I know we have all witnessed critiques that seemed more like personal attacks than helpful suggestions (Or maybe that is just me and a bad experience?). Regardless, it was nice that it showed how to make critique a less threatening process and a more helpful one. I also appreciated the way that they broke down everything with multiple pictures, since images always help me to better understand and connect with reading material like this.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ch. 7 Reading Response

This chapter was a good reminder of how critiques should take place. As well as a reminder of the different types of critiques possible. Overall I believe this was a good chapter to read in order to further and understand the working process and to better understand the reasonings for critiques.


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to our class blog. I decided to use this format because it's less of a hassle for me as far as upkeep goes. Please post your reading response assignments and any other information that you find interesting or useful (links to artists/artwork, video tutorials, etc.)

